Sunday, February 3, 2013

Navigating the Super Bowl Party

Super Bowl is an anniversary of sorts for me.  Last year, I began my new diet and exercise regime the day after the game, so it was my last hurrah for some food-related indulgences.  I figure there are probably a lot of folks trying to figure out how and what to eat at a game-day party today.

My answer is not the best.  I'm really just giving myself a cheat day today to celebrate a year of living better.  That said, the menu at my house is not nutritional shipwreck either.  Yes, there are the obvious chips and dips, but I'm serving up some more substantive appetizer bits, along with pulled pork (with slider buns for those who want, but I'll skip the bread). 

My rule of thumb for the Super Bowl party is a lot like my policy for any buffet:  skip the carbs in favor of the proteins.  Hit a meat and cheese tray (sparingly), try the meatballs, have a small burger or dog (sans bun, for me of course, but that's a personal choice).  There's always the veg tray, but stay away from the dips, with a few exceptions like hummus. 

If you're hosting, there's some great things you can do to up your nutrition quotient.  You can make your own dip with Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. I love tzatziki, so that's always an option, but just avoid the nitrate-laden onion soup mix, and mix in what you think will make it taste delicious. Try a green onion and a can of clams. Make some guacamole, and buy or make some hummus, and chop up lots of varieties of veg for the dipping.

I don't shun cheese in moderation, so cube up or slice an assortment of cheeses and serve with some fresh and dried fruits and raw almonds.

For fun party proteins, make some chicken/beef/lamb satay skewers.  And if you can't live without wings, skip the usual sauce (half butter and half Frank's Red Hot), and broil them with a light basting of olive oil and whatever seasonings you like.  And if you want the kick, pour on hot sauce or sriracha by itself as a condiment.

But the important thing is forgive yourself for hitting the nachos and adult beverages if you do.  You're only human, and you can go back to the gym and clean eating tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. As they say at WeightWatchers, remember it's just one day and to take it and move on. You can make "less bad" choices, but enjoy in moderation.
