Thursday, January 17, 2013

Extreme Calories and "Leanwashing"

I found a couple of good resources over the past few days.  First, the Center for Science in the Public Interest came out with its Xtreme Eating 2013 "Awards".  After reading this, I can't think of any reasons why calorie counts and some nutritional information shouldn't be printed on every restaurant's menus.  It reminds me of when I was psyching myself up to start a diet and exercise regimen and I went into Chipotle.  They had just put new menu boards up with calorie counts, and I was mortified to find that a "side" of chips and salsa almost doubled the calorie value of my lunch.  At the time I had no idea that chips and salsa could have almost as many calories as a burrito.  Not, a bowl, mind you, a BURRITO.  Point being, I knew then, even before I was committed to weight loss, that I would never order chips and salsa again.  Thank you, Chipotle, for posting calorie counts on your menu!!  Anyway, read the CSPI Xtreme Eating 2013 Awards, and remember, these are just some of the most offensive restaurant items at some of the bigger chains.

The other link I'm sharing deals with one of my pet peeves, which I just found out actually has a name.  This insidious enemy is called "leanwashing," which refers to producers marketing their packaged foods as healthy, light, natural, etc, etc, when they are anything but. You know "Fruit made with Whole Grains!" Turns out there's an entire website dedicated to spotting leanwashing and enabling consumers to rate leanwashing claims on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 passing muster and 5 being utter bullshit). And that website links to a bunch of great resources as well.  My rule of thumb is that if food comes in a box or a can--with some exceptions--just don't buy it!  But when you do occasional stray into the interior of the grocery store, and if you are considering buying something in a box or can, this is a great place to help evaluate all those health claims, not to mention all the helpful links on the site as well.

Now, after you've read about all this crap, here's a nice picture of VEGETABLES to center your qi (yes, I just used a Scrabble word, thank you very much!):

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