Monday, January 14, 2013

Advice (Not Mine) for the Vegan-Contemplative

 I really enjoy Tara Parker-Pope's work at the New York Times Well Column.  It looks like she's decided to try a Vegan diet and is sharing some tips on how to go about it. Most people know my inclinations are omnivorous, and Veganism is not for me, but there a many compelling reasons to consider it.  I think for some people it's great.  My success has come on a diet of lots of protein and lots of vegetables.  Grains and starches--even whole grains--don't really work for me, so if I went full-on vegan I would pretty much have to eat nothing but beans and veggies all the time. 

That said, I seem to have a growing number of Vegan friends who are quite happy with their diet and with whom I would dine any time because they cook wholesome, delicious meals.  I'm also encountering a growing number of people who are practicing flexible veganism.  Their predominant dietary choices are vegan meals, but they will occasionally eat outside that spectrum.  If you're thinking about veganism, that kind of flexibility may be the way to ease into it.

More about my diet and others coming soon!

In the meantime, here's a nice little Vegan Food Pyramid:

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