Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year New Blog

Happy New Year!  I can't believe it's been almost a year since I made a vague commitment to eat better and exercise more.  And I say "almost" a year because it was kinda sorta a New Year's resolution, but I had to trick myself to make sure I didn't just blow it off.  So I started in February.  The day after the Super Bowl actually.  I guess I needed those final wings and nachos to stiffen my resolve.  But, hey, it worked.  I am a statistical anomaly.  I made up my own diet and exercise program as I went and I lost a lot of weight.  I am healthier and in better shape at 42 than I have ever been in my life.  But my journey is far from over.  This year, the plan is to lose more fat and build more muscle after a year of really focusing on fat burn.  But there's also a bigger plan, and that's where the blog comes in.

Something really motivating happened to me yesterday.  Someone told me that following my fitness journey on Facebook and seeing the results I was getting inspired them to lose 50 pounds.  It wasn't the first time I heard people say I was inspiring (or more often "guilting") them into making some positive health changes. And I can't even begin to express how supportive people have been in social media.  It's been like having an online cheer leading squad.  But yesterday was the first time someone actually wrote the words "You inspired me to..." And it made me feel really good.  It also made me think about how important my online community supporters, my Facebook "journaling," and general networking and support have been to me.  Then the light bulb came on over my head.  I am evangelical about health and wellness, I love giving unsolicited advice, I'm not a bad writer, and it's a New Year, which means a bunch of people are going to start up this journey I began last year.  Maybe there's something I can contribute, like a BLOG!  A place where I and others can share goals,stories, some best practices, menus and recipes, workout ups and downs, and product reviews. If I just inspired one person with some Facebook updates, what might a whole online community of people working toward better health and fitness be able to do for each other?

There are lots of fitness blogs out there and that's cool by me because every journey to better health and nutrition is different.  My story is my own, but if it can help anybody, I'm obligated to tell it.  And believe me this isn't the fitness blog for the person who is looking for gym-shredded perfection and the willpower to never eat another M & M in their life.  But it is for people who want to make positive, permanent changes to their diet and exercise habits that will result in the best you you can be. 

There will be lots more coming soon...this is definitely a work in progress.  And I'm definitely going to be on the lookout for guest bloggers who can share some of their stories, so hit me up if you're interested!  Happy New Year!

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