Monday, January 14, 2013

Back at the Blog (and some personal musings)

So last week I let the blog drift a bit, not to mention my gym regime, especially in light of my weekend trip down to San Diego.  I am determined to get back at both items full steam ahead this week.  I've been talking to people a lot about what they're eating (or not eating) as part of their fitness plan, and I'll be writing about the challenges of figuring out what works as the dietary component of fitness.

In the meantime, I'm taking up some column inches here to say congratulations to my friends Brian and Elspeth, whose wedding we celebrated this weekend in San Diego.  It was a beautiful wedding and an entire weekend full of good company and good cheer, so I really do want to take a moment from my own soapbox here to thank Brian's and Elspeth's families for hosting a truly joyful celebration.

Brian and Elspeth

And as it relates to this particular blog, I came away from the wedding with this piece of advice:  no matter what your goals are, or what kind of journey you're on, the support and comfort of your family and friends are essential to getting there.  When you're frustrated and tired, they can help you keep going. And when you have a victory, they will be there to celebrate with you.  That's the spirit of what this blog is about: building a community of family and friends who will support and empower each other on their health and fitness journey.  I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to be part of Brian and Elspeth's wedding as an exemplar of the power of family and friends in any journey. 

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